Reflect the oscillations of Concussion (oscillations) generated by the
machine and hardware and felt by the human.
:Such vibrations can affect
at the hands of a worker only: When the vibration enters the body through
the hands (lathes - cyclones - ...) when any
Vibrating machine or piece occupied only factor, however,
over the entire body Group: This occurs when the factor is based on shaky
ground (Kmqad issued on machine vibration, such as mechanisms of all kinds - work
by some hydraulic machines Kalmtariq)
Vibration displacements may occur in three directions and rotation in three
directions. People sitting
Valazahh expressed by pivotal displacement X (front and back), Y offset and
side effects, Z vertical displacement.
technological methods and the use of machines from which a
replacement of heavy machinery shaker with another light
get rid of the factors that help to increase vulnerability to cold, such as
Training of employees to take appropriate and comfortable position when
performing the work to provide them with the necessary personal protective
the organization of work periods not to exceed the vibrations of worker
exposure to more than (20-30%) of the working time per patrol
take care not to infringe the physical properties of vibration limits where
a record is exposure to more than 30
in the second jolt over the safe limits.
medical examinations of initial and periodic for employees, with the
necessity of taking into account the barriers in some medical personnel to work
on the machines shaker.
Finally, to reduce vibrations on machines installed so that the rules do not
allow the pipette vibration or displacement due to vibration Allalh (rubber,
rubber metal composite)