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safety and occupational health : February 2012

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 Reflect the oscillations of Concussion (oscillations) generated by the machine and hardware and felt by the human.

:Such vibrations can affect

 at the hands of a worker only: When the vibration enters the body through the hands (lathes - cyclones - ...) when any
 Vibrating machine or piece occupied only factor, however,
 over the entire body Group: This occurs when the factor is based on shaky ground (Kmqad issued on machine vibration, such as mechanisms of all kinds - work by some hydraulic machines Kalmtariq)

Direction and measurement of vibration

Vibration displacements may occur in three directions and rotation in three directions. People sitting

Valazahh expressed by pivotal displacement X (front and back), Y offset and side effects, Z vertical displacement.

Methods of prevention of vibrations

  technological methods and the use of machines from which a vibration.

 replacement of heavy machinery shaker with another light

 get rid of the factors that help to increase vulnerability to cold, such as vibrations.
 Training of employees to take appropriate and comfortable position when performing the work to provide them with the necessary personal protective equipment.
 the organization of work periods not to exceed the vibrations of worker exposure to more than (20-30%) of the working time per patrol
 take care not to infringe the physical properties of vibration limits where a record is exposure to more than 30 in the second jolt over the safe limits.
 medical examinations of initial and periodic for employees, with the necessity of taking into account the barriers in some medical personnel to work on the machines shaker.
Finally, to reduce vibrations on machines installed so that the rules do not allow the pipette vibration or displacement due to vibration Allalh (rubber, rubber metal composite)

Prevention From Noise

:Types of work hazards / physical risks

All the physical factors that exist in the work environment could adversely affect the health and lives of workers in the event of exceeding the permissible limits and starts the impact of these factors on the efficiency of individuals, which is reflected in the productivity and then diseases of various health which is what is known occupational diseases and depend severity of these diseases on factors several factors including the concentration of these (or one) in the workplace and the duration of exposure of workers and their frequency of exposure to these influences.

Risk of physical risk and the concrete work that can be managed through the means and the various preventive measures, to the fact that these risks are known and specific, measurable, detection and thus control.

Types of work hazards

Types of work hazards 

 mechanical hazards

The risk of mechanical all the suffering of the human element in the work place of the collision or contact between the body and between the solid body and this is during the movement of one of them. Factor that falls on the earth be in motion while the earth is fixed, as well as Reich scattered from the lathe or drill is in motion While a fixed factor, and can be part of the body contact portion worker moving a direct cause of injury between the fingers as input gears or wear contact portion revolving working machine as columns in the themes and Alhazvat Vingzb Group to the machine and place of injury Can be limited to mechanical movements in three
: forms

circular motion.
 or reciprocating slide movement.
 points overlap movement.

Types of business risk

:Types of business risk

First - the human element risks

 Not a coincidence that we start the human element as one of the causes of accidents according to most statistics of accidents is a factor is the basis and constitutes 80% of the causes of accidents (approximately), which is at the same time working basis on which we aim to maintain and fall accidents, work injuries as a result the worker or the human element often for reasons related to the following

Purely personal reasons

Age is a factor of other fundamental factors as the risk that the work must be based on medium-aged workers.
- A young worker (event) does not understand the nature of the playing experience of risk and may lead to something of a disaster. Child as an act of the metal piston
- Older worker reactions become slow to avoid danger

Classification of hazardous locations

Classification of hazardous locations   

Dangerous places are those places where there is a risk of fires and explosions due to the presence of volatile gases or vapors, liquids, volatile, combustible dust, fibers or burning volatile s (electrical appliances can be a source of ignition and take into account within the hazardous areas)

Hazardous areas are classified into three categories according to their type, condition and nature:

Hazardous areas according to the type (the type of hazardous material)

The first type of places

There are three types of dangerous places.

Risk Control Methods

:Risk Control Methods

The incident reports confirm that a large proportion of accidents due to the actions of others safe from staff - that the definition of danger or risk factor expected and how to deal with it leads to the proper performance of the worker in order to prevent such hazards.

A - a way to impose the rules and follow the safety instructions

The Organization of occupational health and safety the first to apply this method.
This method is easy and directly in the application and provide for effective sanctions for those who did not apply the safety rules and adhere to them.
To be sure of sanctions against violators of safety rules effective and influential, and so must be the gradient in the severity of these sanctions until we are deciding whether to have signed.

B - the use of warning signs:

Must use the specific phrases such as influential and is strictly prohibited, or always
This method may lead to follow safety rules, especially at the beginning of their application, but do not lead to improved effective in reducing injuries and occupational diseases.
Example of a real case:

C - the psychological method of treatment

Result of the application to impose safety rules, which leads to increased stress on the workers must be followed by this method and the method of psychological treatment of this method depends on the following:

- The teachings of religion to take into account things improve safety and take calls caution when risks.

- Support from senior management is to reward excellence in safety matters

Strengthen the safety measures - role models to follow the safety instructions ........ etc..

- Interest in new workers, especially in the application of methods and safety Baltrgab assign the task of training people to be role models to them and Hannah are skilled so that they can inform them properly.

Risks of the work environment

Risks of the work environment

Of errors which is believed some of the industrialists and workers alike that the risks of operating hazards and mechanical risk of electrical wiring and other risks are highly visible, but in fact, the risk of the work environment are many and complex and the risks they do not see eye may be more dangerous because they need the expertise to detect, control and which are mostresult of her injuries, so it is important to: understand the nature of perceived risk and making it easier and classification process, we review the existing hazards in the work environment, monitoring and evaluation and selection of the appropriate way to control it and protect workers and the establishment of its negative effects.

?How do we know the risks

Work injuries and occupational diseases

Work injuries and occupational diseases

The provision of a safe working environment and free of hazards in various industries and raise the level of efficiency and means of prevention would undoubtedly reduce injuries and occupational diseases and the protection of workers from accidents and thus reduce the number of working hours lost as a result of absence due to illness or injury, as well as reduce the costs of treatment, rehabilitation and compensation for occupational diseases and injuries, which will have to improve and increase the level of production and the payment of the economic power of the state.

The concept of the incident
Can be defined the incident as a sudden event occurring during work and because of it, may lead to accident damage and damage to the facility or the means of production without injuring one of the workers. Or may lead to infection of one or more factors in addition to damage to the facility and the means of production.

Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational Safety and Health


The technical development witnessed by the world and the accompanying evolution of industries has resulted in a lot of risks that should be on human perception and take caution and prudence from falling into the causes.

Do not put full blame here on the industrial development has to play the conditions of worker health and psychological role in increasing the risk for example, the lack of attention or neglect even for a few moments may be sufficient for infection and make the worker suffer for long periods may lead to losing one of its members or even death. Vomcn work of workshops and factories and laboratories are unnatural environments where high temperatures and machinery rotor H, and sensitive and quick reactions, and toxic substances, and so on. It is also a compound of gases, liquids and solids that may have some of them very serious.
