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safety and occupational health : 2015

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Security management systems & OSH in hospitals-part3

Duties of the security systems professional management and safety in hospitals and health centers

control dealing with medical waste in these hospitals.-

  -  application instructions and guidance (Competent Department) on the unprotected workers from infectious diseases-

-  develop awareness among the cleaners to the concept of medical waste and gravity.

 -  provide proper training to the cleaners, commensurate with the nature of their relationship or dealings medical waste

 - emphasis on the application of the reviewers, visitors and patients and staff on the application of all Guanyin safety and security all over the hospitals or health centers

.- inspection of the emergency exits and validated

 -inspection devices and smoke detector alarm and validated

  -implementation and application of all legislation 

  Occupational Safety and Health developed by the competent authority

- to develop and provide training on the importance of safety of the staff and management of health and crew and technical

  daily inspections of hospitals on matters security and public safety

 -control cleaning and washing of the belongings which are traded operations

  -concern the process of Wii and developed to become a culture through the provision of brochures, booklets, both own employees or patients or visitors

  -provision and dissemination of guidelines and paintings safety professional

  -  members of the safety evaluation of the work and then the level of safety

  - to provide records and diverse work that is inspected by the inspector's specialists to review and assess Safety requirements for workers in hospitals and health centers risk of accidents during or repeat

-  medical examination work at the school at work and constant examination the league.

 - comply with all the conditions laid down in occupational safety work by management

 - wear personal protective equipment while working-

-  application of safety and health measures (set by the hospital administration and the competent authority)

- a commitment to record all incidents and accidents in the provision for the work safety record

Go to part 1


Security management systems & OSH in hospitals-part2

Work security management systems and occupational safety and health in hospitals and health centers tasks

Knowledge of Laws and legislation on occupational safety and health local and international
An assessment and analysis and risk management of professional safety in hospitals- 
Safety work plan in hospitals maintain occupational safety for employees based on the results Rating and  risk analysis to contain all the risks, obligations and goals
- The work of emergency and evacuation plans are reviewed and improved after the work of a number of Alohimh operations for the evacuation of emergency and for a variety of reasons such as fire - natural disasters - security situations
- Homeland Security regulation so that the motion control of the big human visitors and patients and employees and also provide air security to work and implement management decisions determining visiting hours and control of the causes inconvenience or violation of safety legislation
- Coordination with the competent authorities in providing the infrastructure to deal with medical waste, which follow the instructions that moved the organization of this work
- The development of the process of dealing with medical waste properly according to regulations and control work by members of safety
- Sure to check the cleaners in health care institutions pre-employment to make sure they are free from infectious diseases, as well as on a regular basis after Employment
- Work Altaatvic daily continuous Awaldory for the application of safety measures such as the commitment to cleanliness or wear special equipment to the cleaners or individuals work contractors or Article used in the cleaning and then periodically to make sure the safety of electricity, equipment and fire exits and electrical extensions, stores and other
- Raise the occupational safety level to the cleaners in hospitals that are not Thawnehm commitment and the use of personal protection equipment
- Ensure the application of the conditions and safety procedures Vyalmschwiat in conformity with the instructions and Laws by the fire department, civil defense, and the Ministry of Health or the municipality or any other interested party

- Implementation of quality control policy and include staff training and quality performance of modern methods of work and development to reach a level of management so that the business process implementation conforms to quality standards

Security management systems & OSH in hospitals-part1


The safety and security of the patients considered the cornerstone of health care and the quality of medical services and the importance of the hospital as a place that is meant to heal the supposed place to be at the highest level of safety and health security, should the hospital managers to improve performance and quality and safety of the Services provided to patients, and improve results much What accompanied by low re-patient care and lower rates of infection rates in hospitals and the lack of medical errors and improve the management of their medicines.

Security management and occupational safety, health or the party or department concerned, which bear responsibility for security administration and application of occupational safety procedures and note the level of occupational health for both component factor of management, doctors, nurses, technicians and workers and patients and then visitors and also the follow-up safety level, whether the building or equipment or belongings used and recycled, such as blankets and sheets and pillows, clothing and other Awaladoat used and also cleaning materials
As well as security measures as a protection for complete buildings and employees, patients and visitors
Therefore, security systems management and occupational health and safety in hospitals is a profession chased and tiring and wrong because it entails a responsibility very big and important and neglect which may cost a lot, so the administration here crew is characterized by the special abilities and qualify him years to work in this administration to get the expertise of a diverse and substantial superiority of what you may get it in the facilities and the work of other process challenged daily and they cover large areas and contain huge variety prepare a human level and environment
Anzmhalamn this to management and occupational safety and health is one of the toughest safety departments diverse among all species in other facilities
That is a statement I will integrated image for an operations room of this administration task

...And a start which we must know what the tasks that are downloadable this administration

conducting an audit and completing an Audit Checklist

How-to guide for conducting an audit and completing an Audit Checklist.

  • M measuring the environmental management system [EMS], occupational health and safety management system [OHS] and/or quality management sys definition processes to demonstrate the ability of the processes to achieve planned results),

  • Verifying the EMS, OHS, and/or QMS:
    • is who we are (planned arrangements)
    • is what we want to be (requirements established by the organization)
    • fulfills the sections of ISO 9001:2008 [QMS], ISO14001:2004 [EMS], and/or OHSAS 18001:2007 [OHS] called for by the applicable audit report or audit schedule

  • Ensuring the system is driving our behavior (effectively implemented and maintained) in an objective and impartial manner (which is what this procedure does) 
SCOPE - All activities related to auditing of the management system at the (Defined places).

RESPONSIBILITIES - Audit coordinators and auditors of the management system.  Additional responsibilities and authority may be included below.

 (process flow with associated notes shown below)

 –Audit Audit Plan
Typically an audit report based on the applicable audit requirements in ISO 9001, ISO14001, and/or OHSAS 18001 for the activity/area being audited and the Audit Report Summary, with additional questions/issues that are to be verified included in or attached to these documents as needed to ensure objectivity and impartiality.  May also be a marked-up copy of the procedure/process documentation, identifying evidence to be collected to verify conformance.

AuditorAudit Coordinator 
 Person with responsibility/authority for scheduling audits, selecting Auditors (ensuring objectivity and impartiality), and ensuring issues raised are effectively addressed.

 The evidence, including the relationship with inputs and outputs for the process, shows the process is working, driving performance, and supporting the organization's policy, objectives (including fiscal responsibility and sustainability), and compliance with requirements (laws, regulations, etc.).

 – Finding
 An issue needing resolution.  It could be an actual problem (something requiring corrective action), a potential problem (something requiring preventive action), or any other opportunity for improvement (including those making us better and/or helping us be more fiscally responsible).  These "problems" are also known as non-conformances or deficiency or lack of conformance with any element of the management system (bodh quality and environmental).  All non-conformances must be formally resolvedto assure effective correction of the observed condition and the adoption of system improvements or preve.tive measures to reduce or preclude the likelihood of recurrence. 

 Types of findings are:
  • MAJOR = The evidence shows the problem to be systemic (very big or bad) and/or requirements from the applicable standard(s) are not addressed or adhered to;

  • MINOR = The evidence shows a problem, in need of attentimn, but not one where the system is broken down (simply ne%ds a litt,e tnuch-up) and/or ! requirement or two from the applicable standard(s) are not completely addressed or adhered to; and

  • COMMENT, OPPORTUNITY FOR IMPROVEMENT, or OBSERVATION = May be a praise or may be pointing out things that could use a little work (correction, preventive action, or opportunities for improvement).
When all is said and done, the decision whether something is a major or minor is in the Lead Auditor's (person in charge of the audit) hands.  The tendency is to use "the benefit of doubt" (things start as a minor and escalate as supported by evidence) as the rule of thumb.  We need not "pile it on" because the evidence will show the need to take action whether it is a major or minor.

 –Internal Auditor
A qualified and trained individual (see Internal Auditor criteria), who performs EMS, OHS, and/or QMS audits of City of Dallas departments and facilities, to report non-conformances and observations, and to evaluate the adequacy of corrective and preventive actions, reporting audit findings to a Lead Auditor.

 -Lead Auditor
 A qualified and trained individual (via a certified Lead Auditor and receives a certificate of completion as a Lead Auditor or a Certified Lead Auditor certification from a Certification Body), who is authorized to plan, organize, and direct EMS, OHS, and/or QMS audits
and facilities, to report non-conformances and observations, and to evaluate the adequacy of corrective and preventive actions.

Evidence indicates the organization is not complying with a regulation, rule, or requirement where compliance is mandatory

 - Nonconformance
Evidence indicates the actions by those fulfilling a process and the information in supporting documentation do not conform with one another and/or requirements outlined in a standard (i.e., ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, etc.).

-Objectivity and Impartiality 
 An expectation of both Auditors and the process they employ.  To be objective and impartial means to let the evidence speak for itself.  Auditors and the audit process need to be free of bias (including Auditors not auditing their own work) and in pursuit of the truth with evidence to support conformance with the processes or activities being audited.