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Third procedure

( clause  number 4.4.3 - according to the international specification of the system)

1 - Objective:
The objective of this procedure is to get the system to identify training needs and provide training for staff and all employees and maintain records of training for system safety and occupational health

 This procedure applies to all employees and for employees in the organization (state name of your organization)


The second procedure 

(Clause number 4.4.2 in accordance with the international specification )


1 - Objectives:

The purpose of this procedure describes how to access the laws and regulations to the organization and sequence of their arrival to the parties concerned the application and how to follow up implementation of the Foundation

2 - Application:

This procedure applies to all departments and branches of the institution (specify the name of your organization) in (select state)


The first procedure 

(Clause number 4.4.1 in accordance with the international specification of the system)

1 - Objective:

Definition, evaluation and risk assessment in an organized and well thought out and productivity within the organization must do so in an orderly fashion to determine the risks and identify necessary actions and develop plans for their implementation

2 - Scope of application
This procedure applies to all public activities of the Foundation and detailed in their internal and external

Elements of OHSAS specification

Elements of OHSAS specification as aforesaid, which are summarized in the following items:

1. The first procedure: the definition of risk, risk assessment, risk control
(Item number 4.4.1 in accordance with the international specification of the system)

2. The second procedure - legal requirements and other requirements
(Item number 4.4.2 in accordance with the international specification of the system)

3. Third procedure: training, awareness and competence

(Item number 4.4.3 - according to the international specification of the system)

4. Procedure IV - consulting and communications

(Item number 4.4.4 - according to the international specification of the system)

5. Procedure V - (control) control over the documents and data

(Item number 4.4.5 - according to the international specification of the system)

6. Procedure VI - operational control

(Item number 4.4.6 - according to the international specification of the system)

7. Action VII - preparations and emergency response

(Item No. 4-4-7 - according to the international specification of the system)

8. Procedure VIII - Monitoring and measuring performance

(Item number 4.5.1 - according to the international specification of the system)

9. Procedure IX - corrective and preventive actions

(Item number 4.5.2 - according to the international specification of the system)

10. Procedure X - records and records management
(Item number 4.5.3 - according to the international specification of the system)

11. Procedure atheist tenth - Internal Audit System

(Item No. 4-5-4 - according to the international specification of the system)

12. Procedure XII - administrative review

(Item No. 4-6 - according to the international specification of the system)

Safety Management System
 (OHSAS 18001)

1 - Introduction:

At the beginning I would like to recogniz the following information on the system:

 OHSAS 18001:1999 - shows the specifications of system safety management and occupational health it was developed to be compatible with the quality system

 OHSAS 18002: 1999 - instruction manual for how to implement the specifications of the safety management system and occupational health (which is inherent in the directory specification).§
 This standard has been developed and developed in response to urgent customer need to the presence of a standard recognized by the management system for occupational health and safety with which to assess management systems and certification .

(ISO 9001:1994) and specifications of the quality management system in the environment (ISO 14001:1996) in order to facilitate the process of integration between the systems of safety management and quality system in the management of the environment§

 When issuing any additions to the quality system ISO 9001 or ISO 14001, this specification OHSAS)) will be reviewed and modified so as to ensure the continuity of the three systems agree with each other§

Fixed fire extinguishing equipment (automatic equipment )

Is a fire extinguishing systems producing water or means of extinguishing the other to suit the type of materials exposed to combustion (carbon dioxide CO2, for example), works automatically to extinguish the fire immediately after it broke out, and to influence the actor in the protection of the site from the interaction of fire and its evolution and spread. Operate fire extinguishing systems producing water on the amounts released from the spray water to spread over the burning material is working to reduce the temperature below the flash point, fire extinguishing systems and other work on the rules of strangulation, cooling and ignition corrupting atmosphere. Possible installation of fire extinguishing systems producing water in all sites that are not affected by water, as they govern fire quickly and effectively, and a major influence in reducing the degree of concentration of fire, smoke and toxic gases emitted from the impact of water emitted from evaporation, and water spray fire.

Fire-fighting equipment and devices

Devices and fire-fighting equipment

Fire extinguisher is very necessary to make sure their presence in your home .. Your car .. Your store .. Your office

A - manual fire extinguishing / mobile equipment 

Equipment is hand-mobile "preliminary control" and used for fire fighting in the first stages by ordinary people who are in the building, must be amortized manual conform to the standard specifications and approved by the competent authorities, and is the extinguisher dry powder better Almtafat used to extinguish fires vehicles at all because they do not cause material damage and moral as a result of use, and are divided into types Almtafot hand to: -
pressurized water extinguisher (A)

Is a cylinder filled with water under the pressure of an inert gas, is used to extinguish the fires of wood and paper, textile and plastics .. Warning .. Can not use this type of extinguishing fires, electrical appliances and equipment relating to neighborhood electric fires or oil and grease or metal. Extinguisher and water works to reduce the temperature of the burning material.

 carbon dioxide extinguisher (BC)

Cylinder of steel that contains carbon dioxide that is compressed to the point of liquefaction is used to extinguish fires, oil, grease, paints and electrical fires and flammable liquids. Works of carbon dioxide to suffocate the flames and cool the temperature, starts at a temperature (76 below zero), amortized weak influence in the open air, dissipated by the wind, issued a strong voice when in use.

 extinguisher foam (B)

Cylinder filled with water and organic material to produce a foam (foam) is used to extinguish fires at amortized oils and oil and grease, dyes .. Attention .. Can not be amortized with the use of electrical equipment-related fires, electric neighborhood. Working to isolate the material surface for oxygen and cooling water to contain it.

 dry chemical powder extinguisher (D)

Cylinder packed with dry chemical powder used to extinguish fires, alcohol, oil, paint and flammable materials and minerals (magnesium - sodium - potassium), is working to isolate the burning material surface.

 Halon extinguisher (liquid vapor quenched)

Would prefer not to use this type because the resulting fumes are toxic and affect the users, especially in enclosed spaces. Because on the basis of chlorine, fluorine and bromine, all toxic gases and affect the ozone layer. A well-off for all types of fires.

 fire blanket

Used the cover of the fire (fire blanket) in the kitchens of the blanket is pulled from inside the box and open it completely and cover to prevent the fire of oxygen.

 The use of hand fire extinguishers

How to use water extinguishers

Is more important than the provision of fire extinguishers in the workplace is the process of training people how they use and how to operate and use is necessary and are summarized below
  when you use the fire extinguishers must be selected the site near the fire so that this site will be safe so easy to him to retreat when necessary, without the trouble or hardship, and preferably soon as possible from doors or exits the other and if the fire was outside the building must be located fire extinguishers
 the highest level of wind
 is the reduced stature of the person upon his fight against the fire of the useful means to avoid the risk of smoke and the heat of the fire the more easy for him to get close to the fire site
be sure to completely extinguish the fire before leaving the site so that fires are not expected to return once Others .
Pointing a water escaping from the bottom of the amortized sites flames and being a change of direction in space all the burning fire, and shall be submerged parts of hot water after turning off the flame to the fire In the case of fires that spread in the direction perpendicular to the lower parts must then fight against the tendency to Top .
How to use Foam extinguishers  
In the case of a means of burning inside the vessel shall direct the foam to the inner wall of the shell above the liquid level so that the foam that formed and spread over the surface of the liquid and when this is impossible, it is possible that had the foam top site on fire so that they can fall over the surface of the liquid where settle in a layer coherent and shall not be directed directly to the foam on the surface of the liquid because it makes the foam pushes the bottom surface of the liquid burning where you lose a lot of influential properties in addition to the possibility of scattering the burning fluid outside the vessel.
How to use the extinguisher
dry powder and carbon dioxide fumes and liquids quenched
In the event of fires in containers containing flammable liquids or inflammation when spilled the fluid above the floor shall direct amortized (dry powder - carbon dioxide - vapor fluid quenched) to the nearest side of the fire and then conducted a sweep rapidly in the direction of further party shall be returned to this movement until the fire fire, but if the fire in the liquid falling from a high level you must guide the amortized to the bottom point and then rapidly moved to the top of 0 and in the event of a fire devices and electrical systems went amortized in a straight line on the fire, and when the electrical equipment closed within a Vtsob amortized in the direction of the holes the existing body of the cover so as to force to the interior 0
How to use the fire blanket
Catch fire blanket be the upper end near the surface of burning material and the blanket is moved from the top and carefully to cover the body or the burning vessel.
Care manual fire extinguisher
Must identify the components of the fire extinguisher, namely: -
 amortized body: the body is a metallic material that contains the fire.§
 Hose rale is the part through which material from the body of Fire Extinguisher nozzle to ejaculation.
Extinguisher hose in sizes small There may not  nail safety:
  is a metal ring for installing the operating arm, and designed to prevent the fire starting §materials due to stress on the arm of the operating error.
 handle pregnancy: is a hard metal part which is used to carry the amortized.§
 operating arm: the metal part is moving above the handle pregnancy, which is amortized running tool and materials to extinguish the fire.§
 Index Pressure: is the part that shows the validity of amortized (note the presence of pressure index in all except the standard Almtafat extinguisher carbon dioxide that test the validity by weight or maintenance).§
Additional guidance
 You must make sure of the validity of the fire extinguisher because it is the loyal companion to protect you from the fire the moment it happens.-
 watch the indicator Palmtafoh - as well as amortized weight of carbon dioxide-
 Monitor maintenance history recorded on the amortized-
 Contact your specialist every 6 months for preventive maintenance of the extinguisher.-
 Contact your specialist immediately for refilling fire extinguishers for use and empty -packaging.
