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Risk assessment

Risk assessment: addition explaining

* After that the process of defining activities is a schedule of all the potential risks in the workplace which is known in the process of definition of risk is then a rate of gravity of each element of risk identified a process of risk assessment and is found rate risk through the creation of the product of what the following:


  Probability x exposure rate x frequency = 

* After a dangerous rate move to the next column in the table and evaluate the extent of our control on the risk through our review of our procedures in place preventive and is it sufficient to reduce the risk or not:

 In the event that it is sufficient that mean that we are not in need  of additional procedures (put mark Yes or Y§
 If it is not enough This means that we need a preventive action or additional treatment (we do not sign or No§
* In the bottom of the table is calibrated degree of risk that have been created with standard rates of serious and that determine the type of action to be taken about it, and these standards are:
 RR ( risk rate) = 100 ° (ie, that the risks that may result from an accident would be catastrophic and may result in many deaths or heavy material losses, which amount to millions of dollar
 RR = 40 ° (mean that the risks that may result from an accident would be very large and may result in some deaths and material losses of up to half a million U.S. dollars
 RR = 15 ° (ie a major accident and material losses of up to fifty thousand dollars
 RR = 7 ° (serious injury and significant material losses amounting to five thousand dollars
 RR = 3 degrees (and the inability of simple physical damage up to five hundred dollars
 RR = 1 degree (first aid and minor material damage
• The transfer of risk with high rates (which are out of control) of the table and write it down directly below the table (in the specific fields) and to identify actions to be taken about it. And determine whether there was a need for further investigations
• This risk is also transferred to its plan for occupational safety and 
health so as to establish procedures and goals and metrics necessary 
to measure success in achieving them.
See the Risk Assessment form in

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