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Fires "classification- causes- risks"

  Fires classification 

Category talk agreed by the European countries is divided into four types of fires are
 Type I fires CLASS (A) FIRES
Namely that arise in solids that are often of the nature of the organic (carbon compounds) such as paper, wood, fabrics and other plant fibers, usually burn up in the form of Jmrat glowing, characterized by that the majority of these materials porosity and easy for her to absorb the water, affecting the cooling of the inside of that Water is the most appropriate means to extinguish such fires.

Methods of extinguishing fires

Methods of extinguishing fires

Theory is based on the dimensions of fire one or more of the three elements mentioned above for the updated fire, that is based on the theory of fire break by removing a triangle ignition ribs or all of the ribs and therefore are subject to fire three methods are: -

First, cooling the fire
And is intended to reduce the temperature of burning, using water which is thrown on the fire and adopt this method mainly on the ability of water absorption to the heat of material burning fire, and find water when it is used for cooling purposes two types of changes, it gets hot until it reaches its boiling point and turn to vapor above the surface of the fire, and serve to mute the fire of oxygen decrease the proportion of air.

The principles of fire


1 - Introduction:

Start fires usually on a small scale because most of them arising start from a little spark because of the neglect to follow the ways of preventing fires, but it quickly spread if not promptly Batafaúha leaving losses and the risk of heavy loss of life and luggage, money and facilities, due to the presence of large quantities of flammable materials in everything that surrounds us things that our presence in various locations and the environment surrounding us in the house and the street, school, workplace and places of pleasure, recreation and other sites, and that if there had been a fire for the rest of us and inflicted heavy losses Bmmtlkatna costs. Therefore we must take preventive measures from the dangers of fires to prevent their occurrence and the elimination of their causes, with the potential to control in case it breaks out and put out as soon as possible with minimal losses.

Safety requirements during storage

Safety requirements during storage

 Substances should be classified according to their nature, characteristics and implementation of written instructions on the parcels and taking into account their homogeneity when stored so
as to store each distinct type of material separately so easy to identify the appropriate means 

To combat the fire and that fit the quality of stored materials
 must take into account the order of good when storing materials and selecting the sites are clear signs of stacks on the floor and is bound by a continuous basis
 must be only a high level stacks ceilings and there is a distance of not less than three feet between the top of stacks and the roof.
 must be the development of materials stored on metal shelves and lists are not placed directly on the ground to protect it from damage.
 must be periodic inspection of electrical installations and equipment for safety to prevent any 
sparks a result of faulty electrical installations spanning electrical stores

safety precautions in the storage of materials

Procedures and safety precautions in the storage of materials

Storage areas usually contain strategic reserves of the facilities of raw materials or product and other equipment and machinery, which is estimated funds of money, so it was necessary to secure the stores of the danger of fire or burglary and theft to preserve what they contain, and the process is based fire insurance to prevent erupted and full readiness to confront him in case it occurs because of the fires posed by heavy losses of materials stored combustible. And even in the case of non-usability of combustion it harm her exposure to the smoke or the rise in temperature as a result of a fire to other materials and flammable nearby, as well as damage may occur as a result of water used in fire fighting operations. There are three considerations when followers due to the process of securing the most important stores separate storage locations for manufacturing sites, and avoid the existence of any sources of ignition sites of storage and take measures to limit the spread of fire when it occurs storage sites.

Safety procedures in handling and lifting operations

Safety procedures in handling and lifting operations

 Make sure that there is no risk on the ground, especially slippery materials such as oils and fats as well as the earth is flat down the body to be lifted.
 the values ​​of the size and body weight to be lifted and ask for help from others in the event of your inability to raise the body alone.
 Be careful not to corner the fingers of the hand or the bottom of heavy exposure to the acute injury of the parties or the fall of the body on the feet.
 to protect against back injuries that may result from erroneous methods of lifting materials be sure to follow the correct way to lift materials as follows:

safety precautions in dealing with electricity& elevators

procedures and safety precautions in  dealing with electricity

Have on workers in the workshops of the institution comply with procedures and safety precautions for the prevention and protection from power supply and in particular consider the following:

 not to touch any of the electrical conductors before hand to make sure that its activity using electrical measuring devices allocated to it.§

 not to resort to the introduction of the parties to the bare electrical wiring in the sockets and the use of  Pistons  triangular.§

 Ensure that all electrical connections are covered with insulating material and protected by a secure way.§
