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safety and occupational health : Environmental Management System Requirements

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Environmental Management System Requirements

4.3 Planning: Planning
The organization plans for almost every thing except what is expected
It consists of logical steps begin identifying environmental aspects and inventory of the most important, and Then determine the legal requirements that are consistent with organization comes after the development goals and objectives
Environmental, and finally develop a program of work to complete as required and commensurate with the information And thus includes a requirement planning on three sub-requirements: available Are:

 4.3.1 environmental aspects :
Environmental Aspects the intended environmental aspects "elements:
Organization of activities and products affect the environment   as intended environmental impact "any change happening in the environment, whether adverse or beneficial in whole or in part caused by the activities and organization products

The organization should develop and implement, and maintain a number of measures for each of the following:

A determining environmental aspects of activities and products that can control and influence, and determine the field environmental management system, as well as the planned activities and products, current, new and revised

B identify significant environmental aspects have a significant effect on the environment. The type of control and influence environmental aspects of products on the organization's responsibility for product design and environmental change aspects  like, change the source of raw materials

It follows the organization documenting information and data retention for different purposes and taking into important attention to environmental aspects when developing, implementing, and maintaining the environmental management system
([ISO 14001: 2004 ]

4.3.2 Legal and Other Requirements (………. to be continue )

1 comment:

  1. It is a really enjoyable and yet useful post. Planning is the first step towards anything good. If you plan then you decreases the chances of any accident to happen in the first place.

    Arnold Brame,


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